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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Mock Exams for Form Four 2021 - All Regions - All Subjects

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Form Four 2021

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Good 12 Ways to Prepare for your Exams

1. Give yourself enough time to study

Make a study schedule that fits your way of studying and do not leave anything for the last minute. While some students do seem to thrive on last-minute studying, often this way of partial studying is not the best approach for exam preparation. Write down how many exams you have, how many pages you have to learn, and the days you have left. Afterwards, organize your study habits accordingly.

2. Make sure your study space is organized

Make sure you have enough space on your desk to spread your textbooks and notes. Ensuring that the room is sufficiently bright and your chair restful enough are also points to consider. Pay attention to details that can distract you and remove them from your study space. Make sure that you feel comfortable in your study space and that you are able to focus. For some individuals, this may mean complete silence, while for others listening to music helps. Some of us need complete order to focus, while others like to study in a more cluttered environment. Make sure your study space is friendly and

pleasant so that you can fully concentrate.

3. Use flow charts and diagrams

Visual aids can be especially helpful when revising study material. At the start of a topic, write down everything you already know about the subject. Closer to the exam, transform your revision notes in a diagram. In that manner the visual remeberance can aid to your readiness considerably when taking the exam.

4. Practice on old exams

One of the most effective ways to prepare for exams is to practice with an old version of previous exams. Also, an old test will help you see the format and formulation of the questions and it will be good for you to know what to expect but also as a worthy practice for measuring the time you need for the actual test.

5. Explain your answers to others

With the help of your family and friends, you could excel on your exam. Explain them your reasoning for why you have answered a certain question in a certain way.

6. Organize study groups with friends

Study groups can help you get the answers you need and finish tasks faster. Just make sure the group is focused on the subject and they are not easily distracted.

7. Take regular breaks

Regular breaks are needed for the brain to regain its focus. It is not the best tactic to study long hours because long-term retention of knowledge is almost impossible. The most important part of studying is to develop a routine that fits your study style.  

8. Snacking on healthy food is good for the brain

You should not eat unhealthy food while you are studying. Keep your body and brain fit by choosing natural, fresh and vitamins rich food that is good for you and would improve your concentration and memory.

9. Plan the day of your exams

Check all the rules and requirements for the exam. Plan your route and the time it may take you to reach your destination – then add on some extra time. You do not want to arrive late and deal with even more anxiety.

10. Drink plenty of water

While studying for exams and even during an exam, it is advisable to drink water. Remaining hydrated is vital and adds to your overall positive mood.

11. Quiz yourself.

If you think about and create actual exam questions, you will likely become more familiar with what you need to study and, in the meantime, familiarize yourself with the type of language that will be on the exam. Draft potential exam questions and quiz yourself so that you can set expectations of what you need to focus on. Think flash cards! Use index cards to create your own flash-card game of sorts. Ask your roommate or family member to help you out.


12. Visualize

If you're a visual learner, it can help to create mind maps or diagrams to visualize how the concepts you're learning relate to one another. This is especially beneficial when learning concepts that build upon the understanding of one another, like in science courses.

How to be Happy during Exams

Exams are a period of time when the body is going through an excessive amount of stress, and such stress can cause lack of concentration. Being happy is really important as it can help to concentrate and focus on important topics.

Some exams are life-changing and bring even more tension. There can be several others factors influencing the body during the exam time like:

- Pressure from parents,

- Pressure to score high marks,

- Pressure of not forgetting what you studied.


Good Sleep

Just because it is exam time, you don’t have to stay up all night to study. You can start studying earlier and finish within the given time to be able to sleep at least 6 hours every night, especially, the night before an exam. It is very common to hear people saying “I just slept 2 hours” but you don’t have to compete with them.

Time to Study

Give appropriate time to your topics. Do not rely on last-minute studying. It will cause more stress. Just start preparing on time to be able to finish the assignment within the allotted time. Doing so will help you to get a good night sleep and help in building confidence.

Nutritious Diet

Food is one of the most important components for the brain to be happy. Of course, you are happy to see spicy and fried food but it can lead to an upset stomach or worse.   Eat a balanced food with proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Avoid caffeine at night because it stimulates your brain to stay awake instead of sleeping.  Moderate amounts of coffee are okay but too much coffee is not really good for your body.  Instead:

- Eat fruits and nuts,

- Eat proteinaceous food,

- Drink lots of water.

Support System

During exam time, you may have many questions and doubts. You need to find support systems who will help solve your issues and guide you well during exams. You can ask tutors online,  or even get help with your assignments by finding a helpful website.

And don’t forget your regular support systems, your parents and prior teachers.  They’re almost always willing and able to provide some insight and direction.  Not to mention that they’re always going to be your best cheerleaders and source of encouragement.

