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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Dar Es Salaam | Mock Exams | Standard Four | 2021

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Standard Four Mock Examinations 2021


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The exams have been combined in one package



Increase Confidence in Exams

Keep it Healthy

There are certain types of food and drink that will help you think clearly during your exam. Drinking water before you go helps, but don’t drink too much otherwise you’ll be going to the toilet all the time. Keep a small bottle of water on your desk to keep yourself hydrated as the exam progresses. Make sure you have something to eat at least an hour before the exam starts so you don’t get disturbed by hunger pangs. But be careful not to eat too much as this can make you sleepy. ‘Drinking herbal tea, especially camomile, can help you relax before an exam,’ points out Claude Licari, a student from Malta. ‘Coffee and caffeinated drinks may stimulate you, but this doesn’t last long and you’ll end up feeling tired.’

Treat Yourself

Arrange something fun for after the exam. There’s nothing more you can do if you haven’t got any more exams to sit – so why not relax? Shane Honey, a student from the UK, says: ‘I find that arranging a treat after an exam is good to reward myself for all the effort I’ve put into studying. This helps to reduce my worries of performing well in the exam as I have the treat to look forward to. For example, last year I met my daughter afterwards and we both went ice-skating and then to a cafe.’

Keep it To Yourself

Even though it’s tempting to talk to other students as you prepare to enter the exam hall – sometimes it isn’t the best policy. ‘On the actual day of the exam refrain from discussing the syllabus with other students. You might discover that you didn’t cover certain areas, and as a result will needlessly panic before the exam,’ says David Mwonzora, a student from Zimbabwe.

