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Hai | Pre-Mock Exams | Form Four | 2022

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Form Four Pre-Mock Examinations 2022


All Subjects

The exams have been combined in one package


Benefits of Attending School

One of the most important things your child can do to achieve success is going to school every day. The benefits of social exposure and being taught different subjects in school will help them develop skills that benefit them for the rest of their lives. As a parent, it is crucial to convey the importance of regular attendance to your child and how missing out can damage their future.

The Benefits


When your child regularly engages in the same activities, they will be more likely to develop structure. This structure instills a better sense of time management into your child that will be useful in many avenues of their life.


Students who regularly attend class are more likely to pass reading and math assessments than students who don’t. Children are more likely to keep up with daily assignments and homework, and be better prepared for tests and quizzes.
