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Thursday, July 5, 2018



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Schemes of Work 2024

Kenya Notes


14. Don’t smoke

Smoking tobacco causes NCDs such as lung disease, heart disease and stroke. Tobacco kills not only the direct smokers but even non-smokers through second-hand exposure. Currently, there are around 15.9 million Filipino adults who smoke tobacco but 7 in 10 smokers are interested or plan to quit.

If you are currently a smoker, it’s not too late to quit. Once you do, you will experience immediate and long-term health benefits. If you are not a smoker, that’s great! Do not start smoking and fight for your right to breathe tobacco-smoke-free air.


15. Manage stress in a healthy way

Although stress is often unavoidable, you do have a choice in how you handle it. Just as your body has a stress response, it also has a relaxation response, which is characterized by lower blood pressure, slower breathing, and a reduced heart rate.

- Breathing exercises: A technique called diaphragmatic breathing has been shown to help lower stress hormones, reduce blood pressure, and regulate other bodily processes.

- Progressive muscle relaxation: Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique where you tighten and then relax each muscle group in your body, one at a time, in a specific pattern.

- Exercising: Physical activity releases endorphins in your brain, one of the feel-good hormones. These chemicals can help relieve pain and also reduce stress and boost your mood.


16. Think positive

Speaking positive affirmations out loud can boost self-esteem, keep us motivated and put things into perspective. Start small with a few affirmations when you first wake up and reap the benefits of starting every morning with a positive mindset.


17. Let the sunshine in

Sunlight is a source of vitamin D, which helps our brains release mood-boosting endorphins and serotonin. Enjoy the sun for 30 minutes to two hours per day and use SAD lights in the darker months.
