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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Kiswahili Notes for Form Four - KENYA - Download All Topics

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Kenya Notes

These notes follow the Kenya Syllabus. The notes have been prepared by qualified professional teachers.

We have:

Notes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


Click the links below to download the Notes:










1. Hit the Easy Targets

Start with easy attainable goals when starting out. You might want to do as much studying as possible when you first start learning a new language. But this a good way to get burned out fast by all of the obstacles you will hit.

Whether you are trying to learn 10 basic vocabulary words a week or just want to review some grammar that you have already studied and might need a refresher on, having easier goals to get you started on your language learning journey can make it easier to just to keep progressing. And then when you hit those goals you feel motivated to make even more challenging ones.

It's ok to start small and work towards hitting the harder targets. But when you are just starting to learn a language go for the easier ones rather than overwhelming yourself with too much at once.


2. Read out loud

If you’re listening to a lesson and reading along, read out loud. Then re-read and speed up your tempo. Do this again and again until you can speak faster. Try your best to pronounce the words correctly, but don’t obsess about it. Read swiftly, emote and put some inflection on the sentences. Reading aloud helps to train the muscles of your mouth and diaphragm to produce unfamiliar words and sounds.


3. Practice with native speakers

Language course books, apps, and podcasts are all great ways to learn the language, but eventually the rubber will have to meet the road and you’ll need to start using what you learn. The best students take every opportunity they can to practice the language with real people.

You might not be learning the most popular language, but even so there are still a lot of other learners out there trying to master it like you. Take advantage of this and try to link up with a meet-up or language exchange in your town or city. This way you can connect with other learners and get tips and tricks from them that might help in your own studies. If you’re unable to find an exchange in your area take the search online and even find some native speakers on free sites that connect language learners around the world. Here you can help out a native speaker who is learning your language, you can learn from each other.


4. Don’t be Afraid to Make Mistakes!

You’d be surprised by how many people try to avoid talking! The more you speak, the faster you learn – and that is why you’re learning Swahili. Practice speaking every chance you get: whether it’s ordering coffee, shopping or asking for directions.
