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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Solved - Ifakara Pre-Mock Exams - Form Four 2021 - Download Exams with Answers

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Form Four 2021

All Science Subjects with Practicals

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Why is Imprtant to Solve Previousl Papers

Gauging the competition


Alone and isolated, everyone is a winner. You get the realization of the competition after solving mock tests. In mock test series, hundreds of students participate and face the question paper. When you perform with hundreds of students, you get to know your level in the competition. You get to know your worth.


Solving previous year's question paper and mock tests prepare you for the competition. It will tell you where you stand in the queue of hundred students. Once you know your level, it's up to you to promote or degrade it.


You get to know about your strengths and weaknesses


When you practice numerical and conceptual questions from a book, you have a different mind-set. Because mostly, all the questions follow the same trend. When you solve a previous year's question paper, all the questions are contrasting and based on different concepts. Here you will realize your strengths and weaknesses. Contrasting questions make your brain muscles jog. It will make you decide your preparation strategy.
