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Watch short videos
you study a foreign language, one of the options is to watch movies with
subtitles in the target language. That is great. It comes with a but. You
don’t always have time to watch the whole movie. Try watching short videos
instead. There are endless possibilities when it comes to resources. You can
watch videos about topics you’re interested in. Watching videos has one big
advantage. You can always pause the video and consult the dictionary for new
vocabulary. This way you can learn a lot.
Stop hanging out with your countrymen
you don’t have to completely run away from them but if you spend time with
people who speak your native language chances are you’ll speak your native
language. I know this from both personal experience and observing other
students at Hult. One way you can actually take advantage of this is to find
a group of people from the country whose language you want to learn and hang
out with them. They’ll speak their native language, and you’ll be learning all
kinds of new slang, and probably words that don’t even translate to your native
3. Download podcasts in the language you want to learn and listen to them frequently as background music or while you’re walking around. At first you’ll understand nothing, and that’s okay. Gradually you will start to notice some things and get more used to the sounds of the language. A lot of language learning is unconscious, and your brain will go to work on it if you give it some input.